Time Is Running Out!

Mercury Cougar 1It’s not too late, but time is running out! If you haven’t already subscribed to Legendary Cougar Magazine, you must subscribe today in order to be in the first mailing for Volume 1 Issue 1.

We’re hard at work putting the finishing touches on the first issue. The target date for online publication and the first mailing of printed copies is tomorrow, May 15th.

Many of you who ordered the Online Only Version of the magazine have contacted us to upgrade your subscription to include the print version so you wouldn’t miss out on a single printed issue. We’ve made a special, Print Upgrade available to those of you who already have an online-only subscription. Act now, and you can upgrade your online-only subscription to include all six issues of Volume 1 in printed format mailed right to your door. If you order today, you can still be included in the first mailing of the printed version.

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