We’re Back

Legendary Cougar Magazine Demo CoverThe idea for Legendary Cougar Magazine originally blossomed a couple of years ago, but unfortunately our dreams and desires were running well ahead of what was technologically and financially possible. Fast forward to today, and the technology is available to make the dream come true.

We’re back, and we’re no longer just planning an online-only version. Legendary Cougar Magazine, the classic Mercury Cougar magazine created by Mercury Cougar enthusiasts, for Mercury Cougar enthusiasts, is going to be produced in both print and online versions.

Have a look at our shop to pre-order all three offerings for Volume One, including a print-only version, an online-only version, and a combination online- and print-version offered at an unbeatable price. Each version offers you access to all six issues of Legendary Cougar Magazine, Volume One. You just have to decide if you want the online version, the print version*, or both.

*Print versions are available to US addresses only.

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